Want More Women in Science and Math? Pay Attention to Group Projects, Study Suggests.
PBS News, April 06,2015

Psych-Out Sexism: The Innocent, Unconscious Bias that Discourages Girls from Math and Science.
Slate Magazine, March 01, 2011

Hard-Wired for Prejudice? Experts Examine Human Response to Outsiders.
The New York Times, April 20, 2004

Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” describes some of my research on the malleability of implicit bias.
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Educators Can Help Make STEM Fields Diverse, I’ve Identified Nudges that can Encourage Students to Stay.
The Conversation, September 12, 2022

To Make Science and Engineering More Diverse, Make Research Socially.
Issues in Science and Technology (Vol. 40 ; No. 1), Fall, 2023

Role Models and Peers as a Social Vaccine to Enhance Women’s Self-Concept in STEM.
American Society for Cellular Biology (Newsletter), August, 2015